Season Two Dev Blog

Tanks! For Playing
2 min readJun 8, 2022


Although it is now winter in Australia (and in the crypto market), the development of Season Two continues with a few milestones being reached in the last couple of days that we wanted to share with the community.

Today we can reveal screenshots of our new website, game menu/lobby, and new in-game tiles.

For the last few weeks, there hasn’t been anything to show as we have been focusing on getting the back-end working (marketplace, web2 game, matchmaking services, etc) while waiting for game art to be made.

New website/Landing page

It’s finally time for our website ( to get a much-needed refresh as we head into Season Two. The current website served us well, from launch in August last year up until the end of Season One.

The new website matches the in-game aesthetics, borrowing themes and assets from the game. The new website will be our landing page, launch platform, gateway to download the game, and the path to access the marketplace.

This week we received the first design of the new website. The estimated development completion timeframe will be around the end of this month. We’re really pleased with how the new design looks and hope you like it too!

Preview of the new Tanks For Playing landing website

Game Menu/Lobby UI

We received the first draft of the Game Menu and Lobby UI screens this week. There is still development effort required in making this real (animations, etc), but this solid design gives us a strong foundation.

Example of the account screen

River tiles

To support future map creation, we commissioned an artist to provide us with all the various hex combinations of connectable river tiles. While this may seem insignificant, it provides us with map design flexibility and allows the tiles to be reused in other tile sets.

Top-down view of the river with various combinations of river tiles.

